How to Get Away with Murder Wiki
How to Get Away with Murder Wiki
This article is about the Supreme Court of the United States.
For the article about the location with a similar name, see Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

The Supreme Court of the United States is a location on How to Get Away with Murder. This federal court is the highest in the country. Olivia Pope was able to get Annalise Keating's class action lawsuit seen at the court which would have otherwies have been practically impossible.




  • The Supreme Court Building both the interior and exterior was digitally created using green screens in order to give an accurate appearance of the actual Supreme Court building in Washington DC.[2] Filming took place at Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Downtown, Los Angeles, California.[3]
  • The cases which are mentioned in "Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" are real cases which were fought in the Supreme Court.


Season 4
"I'm Going Away" "I'm Not Her" "It's for the Greater Good" "Was She Ever Good at Her Job?"
"I Love Her" "Stay Strong, Mama" "Nobody Roots for Goliath" "Live. Live. Live."
"He's Dead" "Everything We Did Was For Nothing" "He's a Bad Father" "Ask Him About Stella"
"Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" "The Day Before He Died" "Nobody Else Is Dying"

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